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Typography includes typeface, line height, sizing, and spacing considerations that lead to legible and appealing text in the UI.

The super family, Twilio Sans

The super family, Twilio Sans page anchor

Twilios branded typeface is a super family composed of three related, but distinct, typefaces: Display, Text, and Mono. Each is designed for a specific function that is core to the Twilio brand.

Use the right font for the job

Use the right font for the job page anchor

For our products, we have simplified the fonts used within Twilio Sans in order to quickly orient people to the most important information.

Learn more about Twilios brand guidelines(link takes you to an external page)

Twilio Sans Display is used for brand moments and editorial headlines

Twilio Sans Text is used for UI text

Twilio Sans Mono is used for code

Font weight

Font weight page anchor

We have tokens ranging from Light to Extrabold for font weights. However, our system does not use Light or Bold. We have simplified fonts used within the product to better blend layouts and not add confusion to the visual hierarchy. If your designs use $font-weight-light, they will appear as font-weight: 400. If your designs use $font-weight-bold, they will appear as font-weight: 600.

Check out our font weights ready for you to implement

examples of Paste's various font weight tokens

Twilio Sans Display Extrabold is perfect for those brand moments

Twilio Sans Display Extrabold is perfect for those brand moments page anchor

We use Twilio Sans Display in Extrabold weight for unique, expressive headings and editorial moments.

Learn more about the Display Heading component


Font-family: Twilio Sans Display
Font-weight: extrabold
Font-size: font-size-display-30
Line-height: line-height-display-30
Text-color: color-text


Font-family: Twilio Sans Display
Font-weight: extrabold
Font-size: font-size-display-20
Line-height: line-height-display-20
Text-color: color-text


Font-family: Twilio Sans Display
Font-weight: extrabold
Font-size: font-size-display-10
Line-height: line-height-display-10
Text-color: color-text

We use Twilio Sans Text Semibold for headings and labels

We use Twilio Sans Text Semibold for headings and labels page anchor

We like to keep type styles consistent for customers to be able to quickly scan content and create visual hierarchy. In order to do so, we only use Semibold for headings and labels.

Need a place to start in your designs? Start with the Heading component.


Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: semibold
Font-size: font-size-90
Line-height: line-height-90
Letter-spacing: -.02rem
Text-color: color-text


Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: semibold
Font-size: font-size-70
Line-height: line-height-70
Letter-spacing: -.02rem
Text-color: color-text


Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: semibold
Font-size: font-size-60
Line-height: line-height-60
Letter-spacing: -.02rem
Text-color: color-text

When you have lots to say, use Twilio Sans Text Regular

When you have lots to say, use Twilio Sans Text Regular page anchor

In order to create juxtaposition and legibility within our designs, Twilio Sans Texts Regular font weight is used for all body copy. This blends well and gives a nice balance with the headings that are Semibold.

The Paragraph component is perfect for large blocks of content.


Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: normal
Font-size: font-size-30
Line-height: line-height-40
Text-color: color-text

Reserve Twilio Sans Text Medium for smaller type

Reserve Twilio Sans Text Medium for smaller type page anchor

For captions, we use Twilio Sans Texts Medium font weight to anchor small units of type. Need to display smaller, supplementary text under an image or add a footnote? Check out your new best friend, the Detail Text component.

Detail Text

Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: medium
Font-size: font-size-20
Line-height: line-height-20
Text-color: color-text-weak

For displaying coded type, use Twilio Sans Mono Regular

For displaying coded type, use Twilio Sans Mono Regular page anchor

To display code or a programming language, we use Twilio Sans Mono Regular.

Check out the Code Block component and the Inline Code component.

Inline Code (default)

Font-family: Twilio Sans Mono
Font-weight: normal
Font-size: inherit
Line-height: inherit
Text-color: color-text-primary-stronger
Background-color: color-background-primary-weakest
Border-color: color-border-primary-weaker

Typography is managed through the use of design tokens in Paste. Type tokens are pre-set style decisions for font size, font weight, or leading (line height). Below are just a few examples of the many tokens and styles you can use to compose your UIs.

Some well-loved type tokens

Some well-loved type tokens page anchor

Size + leading (line-height)

Size + leading (line-height) page anchor

Leading refers to the overall space between lines and blocks of content. In product, we use line-height to determine the amount of space a line of text takes up. Its important to pick the appropriate line height with your selected type size for better readability and processing of information quickly. If your line heights look like a railroad track, they are too open. We don't want our lines of text to look too open nor too tight.

In Paste, weve matched our line height and font size tokens so that its easy for you to pair them. For example, using $font-size-40 with $line-height-40 will give you the ideal sizing and spacing pair. The same is true for $font-size-10 and $line-height-10, etc.


Heads up about font sizes in Paste

If you aren't using the Theme.Provider component, you must set font-size: 100%; on your page's html tag for the font-sizes to be sized correctly as 1rem=16px.

Check out our line height and font size tokens.

Create a function to respond to Twilio Webhook Events like an incoming call.

Font-size: font-size-80
Line-height: line-height-80

Create a function to respond to Twilio Webhook Events like an incoming call.

Font-size: font-size-90
Line-height: line-height-90

Create a function to respond to Twilio Webhook Events.

Font-size: font-size-100
Line-height: line-height-100

Create a function to respond to Twilio Events.

Font-size: font-size-110
Line-height: line-height-110

Text color tokens are used to define text and icon colors. Weve created a set of accessible text color tokens to promote legibility and readability to be used on dark and light backgrounds. We specifically have color-text- and color-text-icon- tokens, since icons have different contrast requirements. Since they are graphical objects, they only need to meet a 3:1 color contrast ratio, as opposed to text, which must meet 4.5:1. This means that icons can use any color-text- or color-text-icon- token, but text should never use color-text-icon-* tokens.

Take a look at all our color text tokens.

  • $color-text
  • $color-text-weak
  • $color-text-weaker
  • $color-text-weakest
  • $color-text-link
  • $color-text-link-destructive
  • $color-text-inverse
  • $color-text-icon

We know how time-consuming it is to fiddle with type styles to get the correct one. This is why we have created type components, so they have style built into them. You can focus on designing full layouts, and we can worry about the nitty-gritty.


Font-family: Twilio Sans Display
Font-weight: extrabold
Font-size: font-size-display-30
Line-height: line-height-display-30
Text-color: color-text


Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: semibold
Font-size: font-size-90
Line-height: line-height-90
Letter-spacing: -.02rem
Text-color: color-text


Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: normal
Font-size: font-size-30
Line-height: line-height-40
Text-color: color-text

Detail Text

Font-family: Twilio Sans Text
Font-weight: medium
Font-size: font-size-20
Line-height: line-height-20
Text-color: color-text-weak

Here are some of our typography components:

Most of our block-level typography components like Heading, Paragraph, and Detail Text have preset margins so that stacking components will give your layout the ideal amount of spacing without having to adjust margins manually too much yourself.

Component preview theme
<Card padding="space0">
    <Heading as="h2" variant="heading20">
    <Paragraph>This is a paragraph component. The bottom margin is automatically set because it's followed by another paragraph.</Paragraph>
    <Paragraph marginBottom="space0">This is also a paragraph component. The bottom margin is removed using props because it's the last paragraph of this section of the page. View the code below to see how.</Paragraph>

Ever wonder why we make the choices we make when it comes to styling type?

Ever wonder why we make the choices we make when it comes to styling type? page anchor

Lets do a small deep dive into some of our favorite tips for typography.

When in doubt, flush left

When in doubt, flush left page anchor

We suggest using a left alignment for styling UI copy in left-to-right languages. This provides a stronger vertical alignment of your design and a better reading experience while seeing the hierarchy of the content. This also makes it easier to scan content, especially for users of screen magnifiers or higher zoom levels.

do: left-aligned UI with a heading, paragraph, and button; don't: right-aligned UI with a heading, paragraph, and button

We dont suggest centering large groups of text, its not always the most effective in information design and legibility. However, it may make sense within a card or under a data visual or image if it's a small amount of content.

do: centered content with a heading, paragraph, and button
do: left-aligned content with a heading, paragraph, and button, next to an image with a centered caption underneath
don't: left-aligned content with a heading, paragraph, and button, next to an image with a centered heading and caption underneath

In some instances, it is helpful to bottom align your units of type instead of centering your type. This helps when you have multiple type sizes and gives a unified look. It's that it's easier for humans to scan text content when it's on the same baseline.

do: examples of UIs next to each other, where the headers and paragraphs all line up appropriately vertically

Leading helps with legibility in your designs. Having leading too tight or too open can be strenuous on the reader. Lucky for you, Paste already uses the best line-height tokens within our type-based components to have the perfect leading already built in.

do: appropriately spaced line height in a paragraph; don't: too much spacing in between lines in a paragraph

We recommend avoiding forced capitalization. Its not accessible with screen readers, and in many languages, does not translate. It also tends to be less legible than sentence case.

do: use sentence casing in general UI; don't: use all caps unless absolutely necessary

In almost all cases in Twilio, use sentence case

In almost all cases in Twilio, use sentence case page anchor

Tips on when and when not to capitalize:

  • Avoid setting a single capitalization design rule that fits all languages.
  • In French, Italian, and Spanish (among others) only the first letter should be capitalized for certain words.
  • In German, certain types of nouns, gerunds, and names must start with upper-case.

Developers should avoid using CSS, e.g. text-transform: capitalize; to handle capitalization.

Read about capitalization and more on our localization page.

Heres when you do capitalize every word with title case:

  • Proper nouns – products, people, places.
  • Products include features, programs, or systems that Twilio has given a specific name to.
  • If a brand or product name uses a mix of upper and lower case (TwiML, eBay) use the name's convention.
  • People - named individuals or identifiable roles.

Have content questions? Read the content guidelines section.

We understand that in product, typesetting is sometimes out of our control. However, its good to be mindful of awkward ragged edges in our content blocks, known as rags(link takes you to an external page). We also want to be aware of orphans and widows(link takes you to an external page), which is where the content breaks awkwardly, and one word is alone on a single line.

Though we may not be able to adjust content blocks as screen sizes vary, we can still be mindful of these sorts of type accidents. They are especially noticeable in headings. We suggest stacking a headline into two or three lines, versus one long line, which helps to avoid widows.

do: wrap headings and paragraphs so that they are cohesive
don't: wrap headings and paragraphs so that one word is wrapped by itself on a new line, or so that headings stay on one line and look disjointed from the paragraph

For this example, you can see the top example has a nice stacked heading that makes the headline and the body copy a compact unit.

In the below examples, you can see one heading and one word in the paragraph are alone, which is harder to scan, but also feels unrefined. The second example has a one line headline which feels disjointed from the rest of the content, as the paragraph line length is shorter. This makes the heading not feel as visually impactful as when it could go to two lines. We want to use design to not only add functionality, but to make a statement.

We want to create comfortable reading for our customers. We suggest no more than 120 characters per line. When working with line lengths we want to create short, but efficient lines of text, so the content is easier to scan, it's readable, and not overwhelming.

do: keep characters per line to a reasonable amount
don't: let sections of content become to wide and short, or narrow and tall

It's also good practice to give more padding (space) if your content is within a container. Just like us humans, our type doesnt like to feel claustrophobic.

do: make use of padding in text content areas; don't: let paragrapht text reach the borders of its parent component

Lets play with type ✨

  • Stack headlines into two or even three lines instead of keeping them one long line (44 characters or more). This helps create a compact reading unit.
  • A good rule is to use no more than 3 type styles (semibold, medium, regular fonts). This helps blend type styles properly and not get carried away.
  • Be generous with the spacing around your type. It thrives when it has room to breathe. We suggest 8–32 pixels between type if they are friends, of course 🙂. Check out the spacing and layout guidelines for more info.

Elevating your designs with type

Elevating your designs with type page anchor
Example UI before typography improvements:
example of a UI with extra unnecessary text content and typographical choices that make the content harder to digest
Example UI after typography improvements:
example of a UI with clean, easy to digest spacing and typography

Heres some typography resources we are loving